It’s happening! There is a growing and very strong embrace of the popular trends we loved in the 70’s. Current home decor shows are showing a subtle nod to the best of the 1970s. And why not? Everything back then was alive and vibrant, hip and groovy.
Are you in love with roses? Many people feel roses are their favourite flower. These flowers have been called beautiful, classic and romantic, and that’s what makes them a wonderful gift for special occasions – like Valentine’s Day.
The holiday season can be stressful for anyone, and especially stressful for pets. While you are cleaning and decorating, cooking and baking, scrambling about and getting ready for guests – your pet’s precious daily routine is disrupted.
There truly is nothing quite as lovely as a well-decorated real Christmas tree. It is a beautiful way to put a traditional spin on the holiday season. Now if you’ve always had an artificial tree you might not know where to start when considering a real one.
The Canadian Pacific Holiday train is on its way to the B.C. lower mainland. Once again we can look forward to the live events and holiday excitement CP Rail has in store for the Christmas season. Mark your calendar for a stop near you, watch as the brightly lit train arrives, and then stay to enjoy the live concert.
We all know by now that being around nature and fresh air is one of the best ways to unwind and let go. But did you know that it is also one of the best ways to boost one’s mental health and truly reduce stress levels! Studies now show that spending time outside in a […]
Edge 3 Construction Progress. With another floor framed, we are ready to get the final level up. As you view the photos below of the site, you can see that we have chosen to build your home with prefabricated panels … let me explain why.
It goes to say we all love a good long weekend. Any long weekend – Any time of year. But my particular favourite one is the Labour Day weekend. I just like the meaning of it. Quite simply, it celebrates you. The worker. The holiday was created in celebration of workers and has some origins […]
What is it about dogs that enrich our lives beyond measure – is it the joy and laughter, the endless faithfulness, or the trusting companionship? These days more than 40% of homes in Canada own a dog .. or two. Because of that, more and more people are looking for dog-friendly locations to adventure and […]
One of Maple Ridge’s most popular spots is hosting a fundraising event in benefit of The Ridge Meadows Hospice Society this week. On Sunday, July 23rd, head over to Golden Ears Cheese Crafters for a fun-filled Beer Fest evening. The event will run from 1 pm – 5 pm and tickets come in two categories […]